Friday, September 29, 2006

80's night

posted by: Katie

This past weekend was so much fun! It was 80's night at the Rider Pub, and being 21, it was the place to be if you were of age. They played 80's music, gave away prizes for best outfits, and gave out glow sticks and 80's style sunglasses- free stuff as you hung out all night. It's always fun at the pub, just because you hang out with your friends in a cool atmosphere with loud music, dancing and television. This year, being a senior, it's going to be a lot of fun at the pub, especially during Senior Pub Nights, hanging out with your class, and the last Senior Pub Night is a huge tradition. If you go to the last one, you carve your name on the walls, ceiling- wherever there's space!- and its there forever!

Monday began classes and work, and being the new anchor of the News at Rider, that meant another filming of the show. It's so cool to be on TV, even if its the Rider Channel. I love when my friends and other people I don't know say "I saw you on TV!" It will never get old- it makes me feel so cool! I really do love my communications major, its always so much fun! I'm also the producer of What's Shakin, our on campus entertainment show, and we are filming that this week. It has lots of jokes and funny news bits that has become popular on campus. I'm proud of all this stuff, since recently I won a broadcasting award from the American Women in Radio and Television, where I will be attending the presentation this Thursday.

My advisor actually helped me get it, she sent me an email about it from our University president while I was in England. I'm just so glad I won! I love how Rider gave me the chance to do what I want to do, and even gave me what I needed to earn an award. So I'm really excited for that!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Introduction by Simps

posted by: Simphiwe

Hey guys,
My name is Simphiwe [pronounced sim-pi-we], but its saves time to call me Simps, and so everyone does. I am a sophomore and am actually amongst the first full-time, international undergrad students this school has ever had. I come from a distant kingdom, called Swaziland. It's a small country sharing South Africa's north-eastern border, and yes, I still live there. In fact, I have absolutely no family in the northern hemisphere. So I try to go back there every summer. Now, I know what you are thinking... "Dude, why did you pick this school?" Am I right? Well, to explain that I need to first tell you that I'm a double major in Actuarial Science and Finance. Those of you who know anything about actuarial science should know that it's a very difficult and rigorous course. Because of that, most universities don't offer an additional major to that course, but Rider University does. So I came here. And of course, our college of business is actually well renowned world-wide. I have a 3.94 cumulative GPA!! [I got a 4.0 last semester]. Oh yeah... I'm really proud of that, and so I should be, right? Well, I'm not mentioning this purely for the sake of boasting [although that's a minor part of the reason], I'm telling you this because this fact is a big part of who I am. I work hard!! I'm not kidding; I work really, really hard. In fact, it could be argued that I'm all work and no play... or very little play. But don't for one second think that I'm a nerd. Those who know me intimately know that that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm merely determined and extremely motivated, and these aspects of my personality will shine through my blogs. So my reason for writing this blog is to give you some insight on how an international student is coping with the daily trials and tribulations of college life. The same college life you are dealing with [and still getting pretty impressive grades]. Well, I hope you find my blogs of some interest, and that they help you deal with your own college experience.

Well, I'm going to sign-off... for now. So, tune-in two weeks; same time, same place. There are more interesting tales from the Swazi yet to come.


Joshabel's Introduction

posted by: Joshabel
My name is Joshabel, but everyone calls me Joshii! I'm a sophomore at Rider and I have a major in Communications and a minor in French. I'm a Resident Advisor at Gee Hall. As an RA I have the wonderful opportunity to make my residents feel at home. The whole idea for my hall is to create a community and I think that I am creating just that type of feeling: like home
I'm also involved in other activities on campus like: the Latin American Student Organization (LASO), the Black Student Union (BSU), the Student Government Organization (SGA), and others. I serve as LASO's Vice President, SGA's Diversity Chair, BSU's Social Chair, and I am a Rider Community Scholar which basically means that I serve about ten hours a week at an assigned site. If I had to choose one of these activities to do and just drop all the others, I don't think I would be able to. I just don't feel like my college experience would be fulfilled if I didn't try to involve myself in all the available outlets that are here for my growth.

I am also a tour guide at the admissions office, this "job" gives me the ability to show others what I felt when I first came to Rider and how my feelings for Rider have grown since then. Things that I belong to at Rider are the Educational Opportunity Program and Student Support Services Program (TRIO), without
these programs I would never have been able to succeed with all the ease and support on campus that has been necessary for me to begin to achieve my goals. I hope that you will follow my lead in the story of my life with these weekly blogs!

love, joshii!!

P.S. "You are the captain of your ship!"- Do you know where you're heading?

Friday, September 22, 2006

School is in full swing!

posted by: Katie

School is officially in swing, which means, I am constantly busy! When I was in London for the semester I had so much time on my hands, now I work three jobs, one back home, one in Admissions as a tour guide and Student Admissions Representative, and also at the television studio. Plus the organizations and honor societies I'm in. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm really excited about this year, because there is so much to do. I am the new anchor of the News at Rider, our news show, and I'm also the producer of our entertainment show, What's Shakin. So that's going to be a blast this year, being in charge and all.
Greek life is crazy right now. I'm in Alpha Xi Delta, the coolest sorority in my book, and rush is happening now. So we are having tons of events that we go to just to meet new girls and get to know them. So I'm really looking forward to Bid Day, the day where we know who our new girls are. It's a huge dance party in our basement with just the sisters and our new member class. It's a lot of fun. We also had Sweetheart Weekend, where each chapter on campus chooses a sweetheart for the year. I was pretty bummed that I didn't win for my fiancee's fraternity, but it was awesome to be nominated. And nomination night was a lot of fun too.

There's so much more going on in the next few weeks at Rider, and it's going to be a lot of fun putting it all on television on the Rider channel. So a lot of work and a lot of fun is to be done!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We are finally here!

posted by: Nikki

So, the anticipation is over and we are in college!

I was so nervous to get here but now I am totally excited. Move in day was a little hectic and it took me a while to get my room just the way I wanted it. Now that everything is all settled I feel more comfortable about living here for the next year. I know some people are feeling home sick, don't worry, the feeling will pass. Everything Rider has offered us to do this passed week has been a lot of fun too. The comedian, last Monday night, was especially awesome and everyone at the talent show did very well! I am really enjoying my experience here and it has only been a week.

I cannot imagine how much I will love it as the year goes on. As for classes, they are ok so far. It seems like there will be a decent amount of work, but my teachers are cool and the classes seem interesting. I have also made a bunch of new friends who are super nice! I am a little shy and I was afraid that I wouldn't make friends, but I am glad I did. We have had a lot of fun together and I know this year will be great with them!
I hope everyone is having so much fun being here! This is the time of your life you will always remember so laugh a lot and just have a great time! Rider is an amazing and fun place and we will have so much fun!!

I am really looking forward to meeting all of my freshman class mates so if you see me around, definitely say hi! Or come find me in Conover! See you around!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My first week...

posted by: Philip

Wow, college, this is amazing. New faces, new places, so much to learn and remember. So freshman year, Rider class of 2010. Names Philip. B.C. -Before college- I lived on Staten Island. My family is crazy like most. Mother is a nurse; father is a veterinarian, and I have a 13 yr old sister.

At the moment my declared major is Advertising. I use Photo shop and
illustrator a lot; it's a lot of fun to use. This is not my first time living away from home. For the last 11 years I have gone to sleep away camp so living away from home is not a problem. During this summer I have found a hobby, bone carving. I know sounds weird but to me the one of the most relaxing things that I ever done. I like to read and listen to music; I am a big fan of Broadway.

My first week at Rider has been very busy. I have met more people then I can remember and started to learn Chinese. It's not too much though, just it keeps me busy and I am definitely enjoying it. This place is a lot of fun. I think the main reason I am exicited is because after I met the professors who teach advertising I was really impressed. All of the teachers at the school really seem to know what they are doing. The class sizes are great and I am actually learning.

I can't wait to see what happens next. With the awareness fair, every group and organization will be there. I can't wait to meet everyone else and learn about the other options open to me at Rider U.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Moving in!

posted by: Nikki

Leaving home is easier then I thought it would be, or maybe I'm just so bombarded with checklists and decisions that I haven't had time to really think about it. .
If I start feeling homesick you'll hear about it in my next blog...In the mean time, my bags are packed (it took me a whole day) and I'm praying that everything will not only fit in the car, but it will all fit in my room!!! My family may be bringing some stuff back home

My new roommate, Lulu and I have talked quite a bit and I'm feeling that we are going to be a great match. We both have so much in common and her academic schedule is going to be as hectic as mine. We also met a girl named Jess that will be living down the hall and she is awesome too!

The anticipation and excitement of moving in has pretty much erased the nervousness that I was feeling. Everyone that I have had contact with over the summer who will be attending Rider has been great! I can't wait to get there and really experience it all!

Knowing that I'm leaving my family and friends has been on my mind all summer,
but I feel now that I'm just adding to my circle by being a part of Rider. I know Rider was the right decision for me, and I can't wait to meet everybody!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Back to school!

posted by: Katie

So, tomorrow I go back to school! I'm so excited. I've missed all my friends and sorority sisters. I did see a lot of them over the summer, but since a lot of us are seniors, we have to go out and get a real job next year, so a lot of us are saving up our money and focusing on internships and everything. It will be great so go back for one last year, which will be sad, but I know a lot of fun.

I'm slowly starting to organize all the stuff I need for going back. I remember moving in as a freshman and having 3 car loads of stuff! Now I can fit it all into my little saturn ion. Once I've finally mastered packing for college, it's almost over!

I'm so excited for all the fun stuff that I know is going to go on this semester, since I missed a lot while studying abroad in London last spring. I can't wait for the Bronc Buffets (with good food, not like England...) and lots of greek life activities, like sweetheart weekend and bid day.

Just one more day left, and senior year for me begins!
