Monday, January 14, 2008

Working at Rider

posted by: Georgina
Well, I've always wanted to be born into a millionaire family. However, that didn't quite happen! So, until I make my first million, I have to keep working. Rider is full of neat on-campus job opportunities. And what's great about it is that anyone can have a job, even if he/she is not receiving Financial Aid from the Federal Government (some schools have this rule).

I have had an on-campus job ever since my freshmen year at Rider. Working has helped keep me focused on finishing homework and managing my time. There are a variety of jobs to find at Rider. I suggest working in the library or one of the computer labs, if you like to do homework as you work. If you are great at tutoring you could choose from a list of subjects to tutor at the Student Success Center.

Among the great jobs that I have worked while at Rider, I have enjoyed working the most in the Center for Reading and Writing (as a teaching aide), the Math Skills Lab (as a Math tutor), and Admissions (as a tour guide). All of my on-campus jobs have helped prepare me for teaching Mathematics.

So, one day when I become a millionaire I will owe part of my gratitude to my education at Rider University.


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