Friday, November 09, 2007

Twenty-one And Having Fun

posted by: Georgina
Okay. Stop. Pause right there. This is the kind of memory that will last a lifetime. Last December my twin sister and I spent our twenty-first birthday in Paris, France. What an unbelievable and beautiful place! In the fall of my junior year, I studied abroad in Paris in order to complete my French minor. The whole thing is really a miracle. I won a full scholarship to go. I spent four and a half glorious months in the fashion capital of the world studying at one of the best schools in Europe, l'Université de la Sorbonne. Boy, do I miss being there!!!! One day I am going to live there for twenty years. Who knows, I may even meet my husband there.

French culture is so much different from American culture. I love it! People take pride in eating together and enjoying each other's company. Meals, especially dinner, could last hours as people converse about French history, fashion, or international news. One thing I learned quickly while I was there: was to stay away from political issues. But besides that, everything was fun.
My twin sister Anna came to visit me for three weeks. She helped make my homesickness go away. We went up the Eiffel Tower together. We went out to eat, SHOPPING, and to the movies. We even went to DISNEYLAND PARIS together : ) What an awesome trip. My 21st birthday was a blast.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Racinchic14 said...

Wow, I've always wanted to go to Paris. I have been studing it for a long time and I can't wait to go. You made me realize that I need to join a study abroad program in France. I've thought about it, but no one encouraged me to join. Thanks for the help. Oh, and Happy Birthday.


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