Saturday, September 02, 2006

Back to school!

posted by: Katie

So, tomorrow I go back to school! I'm so excited. I've missed all my friends and sorority sisters. I did see a lot of them over the summer, but since a lot of us are seniors, we have to go out and get a real job next year, so a lot of us are saving up our money and focusing on internships and everything. It will be great so go back for one last year, which will be sad, but I know a lot of fun.

I'm slowly starting to organize all the stuff I need for going back. I remember moving in as a freshman and having 3 car loads of stuff! Now I can fit it all into my little saturn ion. Once I've finally mastered packing for college, it's almost over!

I'm so excited for all the fun stuff that I know is going to go on this semester, since I missed a lot while studying abroad in London last spring. I can't wait for the Bronc Buffets (with good food, not like England...) and lots of greek life activities, like sweetheart weekend and bid day.

Just one more day left, and senior year for me begins!



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