Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Three weeks left until classes end.

posted by:Esi

Hey Everyone!

Officially 3 weeks left until classes end! I can't wait! Preparations for the summer are in affect. The Orientation Staff had their first meeting/retreat this past weekend. It was definitely a good time. We did a lot of team building exercises, dichotomies and overall talked about our jobs. The staff is really awesome so far and I can't wait to see how we'll all work together. I'm definitely pumped for this summer. Soon we'll have our photo shoot for the website and start our duties as O*Staff 2006.
With the year winding down, people are preparing for next year. RA's just received their room assignments for next year and the lottery is on Monday. My friends and got approved to go to the lottery and we're hoping to get an apartment next year in the New Building. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

They also had elections for student government, finance board, resident hall and commuter associations and class positions. It was fun seeing everyone's flyers and chalkings all over campus. People really go all out when it comes to elections
University Day is today; Happy Birthday to Rider. There is going to be all sorts of events and fun things to do on that day. Personally, I think Rider should have no classes on University Day. You know, to celebrate! Ha ha. A girl can dream can't she?

Hope everyone has a great week!



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