Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dealing with stress

posted by: Georgina

Okay, life is great but sometimes you get some lemons. So as the saying goes make lemonade : ) You can make it through anything that you set your mind to accomplish.

Just in case no one ever told you, college is hard. But don't worry, building a great support system helps keep you alive. It is so important to keep in touch with your family while in college. They care about you a lot. And if you are independent from your family, it's crucial that you find great friends to just hang out with.

Sometimes there is a lot of pressure for students to do well in college. Rider just wants to prepare you. It is not crucial for you to get all A's. However, it is essential for you to try your hardest, network, and graduate with a degree.

Getting involved on campus helps keep stress levels down. I love working out at our new gym. My faith keeps me strong and I have some great friends to call on when I need them. So, although I have a bad case of "senioritis," I am preparing myself to finish my last year and become a successful math teacher.

If I can do it you can too : )

Thanksgiving can't come soon enough

posted by: Russ
Alright so ever since I have been writing these blogs of mine, I have realized that I am a very busy person. Who knew? Hahahah. So Thanksgiving is coming up in two days or so and I CAN NOT WAIT. I need a mental and physical break from school. Last week I worked 5 nights in a row on an International Management project until 3 AM. Long nights but I had to do it to get everything done. It was a 35 slide PowerPoint presentation as well as a half hour in class presentation. Wow that was fun. But the fun never stops for me because all weekend I have been finishing up another project, Retail Management. We had to create a store and put together a business plan, sales objectives, target market, store atmosphere etc. This has been a fun project but very time consuming. I think it’s up to about 15 to 20 pages already. So I told all of you that work at the admissions office, well yesterday was a big day. It was our second open house on the semester and it went AWESOME. We had over 1,300 people show up and we took it on well, even though it was rainy and cold. I was giving tours in the rain all day but you know what, it’s worth it when you can possibly make someone’s decision about college it little easier. Alright well I have to run because I have class, class, work, class, project, and some more class. I LOVE BEING A SENIOR. HAHAHAHAHHA. O yea and a little side note for everyone, MONICA, the woman that I send my blogs to every week, SHE ROCKS and is an AMAZING person to work for.


Rock and roll

Friday, November 09, 2007

Twenty-one And Having Fun

posted by: Georgina
Okay. Stop. Pause right there. This is the kind of memory that will last a lifetime. Last December my twin sister and I spent our twenty-first birthday in Paris, France. What an unbelievable and beautiful place! In the fall of my junior year, I studied abroad in Paris in order to complete my French minor. The whole thing is really a miracle. I won a full scholarship to go. I spent four and a half glorious months in the fashion capital of the world studying at one of the best schools in Europe, l'Université de la Sorbonne. Boy, do I miss being there!!!! One day I am going to live there for twenty years. Who knows, I may even meet my husband there.

French culture is so much different from American culture. I love it! People take pride in eating together and enjoying each other's company. Meals, especially dinner, could last hours as people converse about French history, fashion, or international news. One thing I learned quickly while I was there: was to stay away from political issues. But besides that, everything was fun.
My twin sister Anna came to visit me for three weeks. She helped make my homesickness go away. We went up the Eiffel Tower together. We went out to eat, SHOPPING, and to the movies. We even went to DISNEYLAND PARIS together : ) What an awesome trip. My 21st birthday was a blast.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Job Interview and Halloween

posted by: Russ

So ,a lot has happened in the last two weeks. I had my resume edited,yet again, by the career services office and after the woman looked at my resume, she forwarded it to Johnson and Johnson for a co-op opportunity. I met with the recruiters 3 times over the last two weeks. I did a mock interview training session and brushed up on my people skills. I had the interview on Monday; I had to wear a suit which was very scary. The interview went amazing. I feel I answered all their questions in the correct way and gave good examples of my prior work experience. That was the first job interview I have been on, even though it was scary and intimidating, it was a great learning experience. This is all in preparation to hopefully obtain a full time job in the “Real World.” Scary isn’t it?

Now for some fun stuff, Halloween was a blast. I didn’t have a costume until very last minute. As you can see I was “Dead.” HAHAHAHAA. I went to a couple Halloween parties and the Student Recreation Center costume contest, unfortunately I didn’t win. Darn. Haha. I ate way to much candy but had a lot of fun.
Wish me luck with Johnson and Johnson and let’s hope I am 1 of the 9 that they select for this sales and logistics position.

Cross your fingers for me.

Talk to you soon.
