Thursday, March 27, 2008

Student Support Services

posted by: Georgina

The Trio Program is making a difference all across New Jersey. It helps middle school and high school students acheive success in their educations. On a third level, the program aids students obtaining a bachelors through graduate school. I am proud to announce that I am apart of the Trio Program on the college level called "Student Support Services". SSS helps financially disadvantaged, disabled, and first generation students obtain a college degree. They also provide counseling and tutoring services.
SSS has left a mark on my life. I am paying for my own education. My family cannot afford to offer me any assistance. SSS, has helped take the burden of financing a private education, off my shoulders. The SSS staff of Rider are sweethearts. They are also professionally commited to student success. Recently, I took a trip to Washinton, DC with SSS.
I absolutely love History, politics, and DC. The trip was amazing. SSS went to Washington in order to lobby for an increase of funding of the Trio Program. We spoke personally to Senator Menendez and also communicated our cause to Senator Lautenburg's chief assistant Apryl. Our goal is to have a senators vote on increasing the Federal grant money to Trio. Every year the cost of living increases. However, for almost three years the amount of money awarded to Trio has remained the same. Therefore, it was time for Rider SSS students to pay the capitol a visit. Everything was paid for in full for those students who volunteered to go to DC and speak with the senators. There was no way that I was going to miss that opportunity!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Full Time Job

posted by: Russ

Hey everyone. Long time not talk. I hope everyone is doing well. So I have a good story this week. I GOT A FULL TIME JOB WITH JOHNSON AND JOHNSON. How crazy is that? So I received an e-mail from a recruiter at J & J asking if I was interested in the SLDP Program. That stands for Sales Leadership and Development Program. So I went for the interview at one of the J & J locations and it went amazing. I left feeling really good about what just happened. He told me he was interviewing for 2 days and about 40 people. He also said there was one spot left in the program. Long story short, he called me 2 days later and offered me the position. I was shocked and so excited. I can’t believe all my hard work paid off. I will say that Rider prepared me so well and I would not have gotten this job if it were not for the things I learned here. Being able to answer questions quickly and efficiently really helped me in the interview. I attended an interview training session at our career service office, which really prepared me for my interview. It is a two year contract that I signed in which I am going to work in sales, marketing and logistics. I still can’t believe that I have a full time job. The sense of job security from now until I graduate is amazing. All right well I have to run because I am leaving tonight to go to Tennessee for 4 days to watch a NASCAR race. I am going with my dad and best friend from home. We have a 10-hour ride ahead of us and I am going on 4 hours of sleep so this should be interesting. All of that make it even more fun. Talk to you soon.

Rock on.