Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm graduating in May

posted by: Nick
The second week of classes is almost over already… time sure flies! I wish time would slow down. I'm graduating in May, so I'd like to stretch my last semester at Rider out as long as possible. I'm really going to miss it here, but, I have a couple months before I have to worry about that!

I'm taking a full course load this semester. Actually, one of my classes is a graduate-level class. I am ahead and I only need four classes to finish my undergraduate degree, so I got approval to take the graduate class as a second semester senior. It's pretty exciting! I really am enjoying my classes so far. All of my professors are awesome, which definitely makes the classes much more enjoyable. The course material is also very interesting because I'm taking all of my major core courses.

So far, I've managed to keep one of my New Year's resolutions of going to the gym regularly. I've worked out a schedule to go three times per week for an hour. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will last throughout the rest of the semester.

My fraternity (Sigma Phi Epsilon) is also keeping me busy. It's "rush" right now, which is the period of time during the first few weeks of school when there is a big push to recruit new members. It continues until Bid Day, which is on February 17 th , so we'll be holding a lot of recruitment events until then. So far, we've had a Guitar Hero (which seems to be the latest craze to take over Rider's campus) tournament and a BBQ. We're also planning a Superbowl Party, an Applebee's night, and a video game night, as well as a few others.

I've also been busy running the Interfraternity Council, which I'm the President of. We had our winter retreat before we moved back to school and we had our first meeting on Tuesday. My schedule also includes Student Government Senate meetings, working in the Admission Office and at the Information Desk in the Student Center and homework.

Yes, I'm busy, but I really do love everything that I'm involved with at Rider. Plus, I'll be working full-time after I graduate, so I have to get used to a busy schedule. OK, time to get some homework done… talk to you soon!



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