Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fall Semester almost over...

posted by: Katie
topic: So this week is the last week of classes for the fall semester! I have all my work pretty much done, I only have a final paper and a final for the same class, on the last day of classes. I don't have any finals during finals week! Instead, I'm working more at the television studio and admissions. So what my friends and I call the "com major crunch" hasn't really affected me- which means I had all my assignments done early so I don't need to edit footage, work with media, ect during the last days of classes.

Even though my fall semester as a senior is coming to a close, I may be at Rider longer! I'm applying for graduate school in the organizational leadership program with a track in communications. I would like to become a professor one day (after working in the awesome television industry).

Tonight we had a rush event to invited girls to check out my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta. We held a game night, and it was a blast! Mostly because the games I own are awesome. I have the "old school" games from when I was 13, like Mall Madness and DreamPhone. Everyone wants to play those! It was fun for independents and sisters.

Another thing that I am super excited about revolves around the scholarship I won with the American Women in Radio and Television. Now I am a member, and get to do all the cool members things. One event that I am excited about are the Gracie Awards, awards for women in the media. It's going to be held at Tavern on the Green in Central Park, NYC, and it should be a lot of fun. I hope I can go, and that I'm not busy, but why should I skip an event to "hob-nob" with the famous? I'm excited for it.

That's what I've been up to so far- definetly ready for Christmas Break time though- and then off to my final semester as an undergraduate at Rider.



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