Monday, January 29, 2007

My second semester begins

posted by: Nikki

The holiday break was great!! I always have a good time with my family. I got a lot of my Christmas shopping done on campus between the Rider Store and the Holiday gifts bazaar at the BLC. So most of my time before Christmas was spent catching up on sleep!

My holidays were great. We spent lots of time together and celebrated my birthday along with a few other family members' birthdays too. December is one great big party at my house.

The New Year brought excitement about our family trip. We set sail on a cruise to the Western Caribbean. We visited Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, Cozumel and the cruise lines private island in the Bahamas. I did a lot of shopping, a lot of exciting excursions and a whole lot of eating and tanning!!! We had a great time and it was a great way to end break and get back into the swing of things here at Rider.

I was so excited to be back and see all my friends, hear about all their holidays and just plain catch up. I'm also excited about starting my new classes. They feel a little more personal this time since I chose them myself. I made the wrong choice in one of my courses and I've already had to make a change. My advisor got right back to me with help and making the change with the registrar was painless. I love Rider!!!

Well, that's about all I have right now. I'll keep you posted on how my semester is going. Hope you all had a great break and are as happy as I am to be back. I hope to see you around campus…please stop me and say hi. Talk to you soon.



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