Monday, April 02, 2007

Random Monday Night :-)

posted by: Katie

And so the busy-ness of senior year continues! I've been working on a package for the television studio with students' opinions about the "Lost Tomb of Jesus" documentary on the Discovery Channel last Sunday. I was around campus interviewing people and what they thought of the matter. At one point, some credible people refused to comment, which made me feel like a real journalist after a story, even if I just wanted opinions. But the package turned out great, and I did a stand up in the end, where I am in front of the camera at a location relating to the story. I have to practice this kind of stuff if I want to become a broadcast journalist one day, and practicing as a correspondent, where I would commonly start off, is helpful.

I've also been working on a documentary that my sorority sister and I are putting together for our classes about international adoption, and assimilating the children into mainstream American culture. Since we are the producers, directors, writers , ect, we've been doing research on the matter, contacting families that we know relate to this topic and searching for authorities with knowledge on the topic for an interview. Since spring break is coming up soon, I will most likely be working on school work and this documentary, than go on a vacation. Sometimes spring break is a good way to catch up on work, and just a much needed calm, slow week.

But there is the occasional fun thrown in there! My chapter had a sisterhood event last Friday, and we went ice skating. We got a group rate, and only paid 5 dollars for a whole night of ice skating. I had a blast, skating with sisters, and I can proudly say I did not fall. I might have crashed into sisters though to stop me.... But overall, I was a good skater. It was so much fun, and I can't wait to go again! We're planning more events, and we might go for laser tag in Princeton Junction, where there is a huge arena for it. I can't wait for that!

I will admit though that I was a little bit of a slacker this week. I was supposed to finish a paper, which I always make sure is done earlier than crunch time, and instead, I had a bunch of my sisters in my room last night. It started watching Deal or No Deal, and then by midnight, we must have had 10 people in my room laughing and telling jokes. That's what I love about college, about Rider, that something unexpected and fun can happen on a Monday night at random. I will miss t hat most of all when I graduate.



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