Monday, April 02, 2007

Another busy week has passed

posted by: Katie
Most of it spent in the television studio of course. That's the difference between Communications majors and other majors, my final "papers" are edited projects. Also, I was the producer of the News at Rid er this week, so I spent 4 hours writing a 5 page script for half an hour-not that easy! Now I know how the writers feel when they have to write a half hour script at my internship in New York. But I finished and it made it so easy to read the teleprompter when we were taping, I didn't really have to do a practice run.

This weekend, along with taping it for the news, I went to Protestant Campus Ministry's (PCM) Hugs and Hope for Kids Valentine's Making party. I had to go for the news, but I was so happy that I did! I had so much fun, and stayed until the v ery end, and most of the time didn't even tape. We made valentines for the organization Hugs and Hope for Kids, an organization that has a directory of sick kids that people can write to and send packages to. We made all different kinds, for 2 boys and 2 girls that PCM "adopted." We also had valentines snacks, like heart cookies, and watched the Wedding Singer while we colored and glued valentines. I'm really glad that the news sends me to places that are not just cool to tape, but really fun to be at.

I also went last Friday to the State Museum to do some extra credit for my Mesozoic Ruling Reptiles class. My professor is currently on a dig in Patagonia (the middle of nowhere!) in South America for a week. So he provided an extra credit w orksheet for us to answer, in conjunction with visiting the museum. I liked doing something different from the classroom, and the trip helped when I had the test this past Monday.

But most importantly, the semester is going by so fast! It's already week 4, and I graduate in 3 months. So I make sure to spend a lot of my free time with my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta. Soon, we'll all have to move out of the house we c alled home, apart from my best friends accross the hall, down the hall, upstairs...We try to have a lot of fun, though! One of my sisters bought a Karaoke Machine, and we sang with it this weekend, which is always fun! We've been playing with the karaoke machine a lot lately - we'll just knock on our sister's door and go in and play. I'm really going to miss it all when I graduate!



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