Friday, February 03, 2006

So much to do...

posted by: Katie

I'm so amazed that there is so much to do in London! There's never a time to be bored with all the stuff that there is to do around here. A lot of things do cost a bit of money, but you can always find free things to do. My one friend and I, Chelsea, wanted to do something that we hadn't done yet here, and decided that we should go see a play-one of the best things to do in London anyway. The best part is, we could go to a ticket booth, located in the center of the bustling Covent Garden, and bought tickets for The Producers on a Friday night, and got great seats! The musical was really great, and we had a blast. Unfortunately, that put us back 30 pounds, but we had fun during it. The play was even on Drury Lane, and we found it amusing because of the nursery rhyme, so we bought a muffin and took pictures on Drury Lane.

This weekend was the Chinese New Year. The night before, we were able to see all the decorations put up in Chinatown, and got a great meal while we were touring the part of the city. The decorations and lights were so pretty, and reminded me of how much diversity there is in London-I was told that most "Londoners" are not even British. Walking around Chinatown was a lot of fun in all the lights.

My classes are getting a little bit easier to understand, since I never had this type of education in the States, learning about international affairs. What is really interesting is, everyone internationally knows about U.S. matters, as well as international, but we only focus on ourselves. I like getting a different perspective and view of the world, as well as my homeland from another perspective. I was even able to start off a discussion in my Politics in the Middle East class, I am usually so completely lost in that class!

My friends and I are starting to make a list of places to go that we are interested in seeing. The list just gets longer and longer! I don't know if we'll be able to finish it all, but I'm having a lot of fun trying!



At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,  please check out my British blog - Experience - England ( The blog is for people from: London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol,  and Coventry. It was a lot of work but I am very happy with it,  I hope you guys like it!


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