Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Relaxing is coming to an end

posted by: Julie

I hope everyone had great holidays! I know I sure did. It was good to relax and enjoy a home cooked meal and spend time with the family.

Other than that, that's about all the relaxing I've been able to do. I'm working on what I like to call "my big girl room" back at home. So that's the big winter break project. I know that once I start student teaching, I am going to be bringing home a lot of papers and I want to have a new organized space to put everything in.

Speaking of student teaching, I have my training in a week and then I start teaching in two weeks. I have to admit, I'm kind of both nervous and excited about teaching. In one sense, I've prepared for this day over the last two years at Rider, but now it's like the real thing. It's not like I have other classes at Rider, or that I'm only teaching two days a week, I am going to be in this classroom everyday, and then the next step after that is teaching my own classroom. Part of me wants to jump right to teaching my own class, I think that will be so much fun, but I know I am going to leave my student teaching experience with a lot of things that are going to help me in my own classroom. But I really am looking forward to student teaching because I will really be able to put all that I've learned in my classes to work. I hear so many times, "am I really going to need this in the real world?" but I'm pretty sure everything I learned in the school of education will be used at some point in time in my teaching career.

Well, I hope the New Year brings good times to all of you and for those high school seniors; good luck with the college decisions.

Talk to you soon!



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